Post-Tensioned Concrete

Extend the life of your court.

The design of post-tensioned concrete is a rigid, reinforced concrete that eliminated the jointing and cracking which affects asphalt courts. Post-tensioned concrete courts are reinforced by sheathed and greased steel cables within the concrete slab. Although post-tensioned concrete has a higher upfront cost than an asphalt court, its durability will end up saving money. A post-tensioned concrete court has a life expectancy of over 25 years with the only maintenance required being resurfacing. We recommend choosing post-tensioned concrete when constructing in areas with less stable soil conditions.




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Tourquise Condominiums Orange Beach AL 001
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Frank Brown Park Panama City FL Post Tension Basketball Court
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Frank Brown Park Panama City FL Post Tension Concrete Tennis Court Complex



Maintenance & Care

The maintenance with post-tensioned concrete courts is minimal. We recommend resurfacing every 5 years. During our resurfacing process, we pressure wash the slab and apply surface coatings which prevents cracking and adds longevity to your courts. Like asphalt and overlay surfaces, the surface coatings are an acrylic-based paint which dries quickly so courts only need to be closed for a short period of time. There are various color options to choose from.

Browse Court Colors

After we complete the courts and before the next resurfacing, we recommend that our clients encourage preventative maintenance habits. Prohibit food on the courts and provide wastebaskets for players to place their ball cans and empty bottles. We suggest our Tidy Court system which attaches directly to the net post and includes cup and ball holders. To regularly clean a court and free it from debris and water, we recommend using a large-size push broom with soft bristles and water brooms.

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Let's Build

Whether it's new construction, resurfacing existing courts, or ordering from out accessories catalog, let us know how we can help.

American Sports Surfaces

1272 Boltons Branch Dr.
Mobile, AL 36606
P: 251-476-4714

Copyright 2024 American Tennis Courts, Inc. All rights reserved.